Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Library Stalker

Overall I've been very happy with the curriculum choices we made for this rookie year of homeschooling. We had a minor bump with our first Language Arts program and had to switch, but other than that Ella and I have both been pretty content. I have just one itty-bitty complaint...someone keeps stealing my library books.

Ok, so the library stalker isn't technically stealing the books since they "allegedly" check them out through proper channels, blah, blah, blah. But for the past three weeks, every book I have needed for Ella's history lessons has been checked out. All of them! Every week! You can tell me it's just a coincidence, but I know's a conspiracy.

Today I got my final proof of this massive, underground operation aimed at de-stabilizing our homeschool tranquility. I looked on the library catalog online and found out that our local library had two copies of the book I need for next week's study of the Ancient Native Americans. One copy was checked out and the other was on the shelf. I repeat "on the shelf." So I tossed the kids in the car and zoom-zoomed over to the library. I dragged them past all the cute displays and raced into the children's section only to find...wait for it...the book is gone!

And just to prove to you that I'm not paranoid, I went to find the alternative book I had selected (because I'm on to you stalker) and that one was...wait for it...also checked out. Come on!

The trip wasn't a total loss because Ella picked out a book to read for fun and Jack...well, Jack didn't destroy anything. Plus, I got irrefutable, undeniable, incontrovertible proof that this library conspiracy exists. I think next week I'll check out Roofing for Dummies, Infectious Skin Diseases and Wild Yaks of Tibet just to mess with the stalker. That's right, I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it.

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