Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Waiting Like David

I recently studied the story of David and I was deeply touched by the way he waited for the promise of God to be fulfilled in his life. When he was still a young man, David was anointed by the prophet Samuel to be the future king of Israel. How incredible! King Saul had been rejected by God and David had been chosen in his place. As impossible and far fetched as it seemed David, a humble shepherd and youngest son, was to be the next king of Israel. And it happened. But it didn't happen until 15 years or more later.

David didn't become king over Israel until he was 30 years old. But he started acting like a king from that first anointing by Samuel. He wasn't yet sitting on the throne but he began to walk in his anointing as a king even before he saw the promise fulfilled. In the very next chapter of Scripture, David faces Goliath. Here is a true king, even without the crown and royal robes. He stands against the enemy of his people and defeats him. He is acting like a king without being a king.

God equips us for our destiny before we get there. It isn't the earthly achievement that brings God's anointing and strengthening for the task. It is God's anointing that brings the earthly achievement. God equipped David to be a king years before he he was actually crowned. And David walked in that destiny before it ever came to pass in human terms.

What God has called you to, He has already blessed you to accomplish. The blessing doesn't come once you've made something happen. Something happens because God has already blessed you.

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