Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Third Guessing

I'm so happy this day is over. Ok almost over. Hey, the kids are in bed, that's over enough for me. Apparently, the homeschool honeymoon phase is also over. Waaaaaay over. Yep, it was a double chocolate kind of day. And the worst part about it is that I can't even blame the kids for the awful, awfulness of the day. It was just one of those days. You know, the kind of day when you question absolutely every decision you have ever made throughout the entirety of your life. And not just the big decisions, but somehow the twisted workings of your inner howler monkey bring up that really bad hairstyle from junior high...one of those days.

See, I haven't figured out how to homeschool and do the laundry. And clean the bathrooms. And mop the floor. And I don't think well when my house is messy. Clutter has some dark power to totally freeze the nerve thingies in my brain that keep me moving. So today when I had to actually step on a pile of dirty laundry to get to the washing machine, I felt my inner howler monkey begin to stir. Then as I was trying to clean a sink while still walking back to Ella's desk every ten seconds to answer a question and trying to keep Jack from "helping" with the Scrubbing Bubbles, the little simian started screeching and flinging monkey poo.

So I spent most of the day second, third and fourth guessing our decision to homeschool. Fortunately, Captain Daddy was able to call from Afghanistan and he got to hear all about it. And God bless him if he didn't listen and then offer some much needed encouragement. He reminded me of all the reasons why we made this decision and told me in a nice way to hang in there. Of course he gets to go shoot things when he gets upset.

But, we're sticking it out. Tomorrow we're painting paper-mache Egyptian jewelry and tackling double-digit subtraction. Tonight, I'll be praying. "You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning. My God turns my darkness into light...It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect." Psalm 18:28, 32


  1. God bless this mission. Please lead this wonderful mom into educational salvation, while establishing a separate but not everlasting peace with the howler monkeys, for therein lies the balance and sublime essence of what makes this strategic objective of home schooling worthwhile. And forgive me for my tears of laughter, NOT at - but BECAUSE OF - this wonderful gift and talent with words that Michelle shares so freely. Please ensure a broad audience, as she has much to offer. Amen.

  2. Hey Keed,
    You continue to raise wondermous children. I know that Papa is looking down on you and is so very very proud. You have and will always continue to do great things through Christ who strengthens you. You are always in my heart.

  3. kk, I need to figure out how to create a "name" like Pops and Rob have, so I don't have to keep adding "Sis" so you know it's me! :) Sorry I've been behind on entries. Not lack of interest, just a dearth of time... *sigh*
